A continuously updated list of first-quality optics, resulting from OEM production overruns, that can eliminate the need for custom ordering has been introduced by Laser Research Optics of Providence, Rhode Island.
The Laser Research Overstock Parts List features first-quality optics from OEM production overruns and offers from 30% to 40% savings off of list prices for custom ordering; plus overnight delivery to eliminate waiting. The list includes over 400 variations of copper, fused silica, germanium, silicon, and Zinc Selenide optics, lenses and mirrors in several sizes.
Featuring production overruns for medical, R & D, 9.3 µm, 10.6 µm, and
3 to 12 µm wavelength lasers including legacy types, the Laser Research Overstock Parts List includes 1.5” to 2.5” dia. sizes. Optics for Coherent®, Mazak®, Mitsubishi®, Strippit®, and others are offered.
The Laser Research Overstock Parts List is dynamic and includes materials, sizes, and quantities offered and prices; at www.laserresearchoptics.net.